

Shipstation Integration 


The purpose of the integration with is to provide each of our clients with the unique ability to ship their rental and sale products to their clients through the widest variety of logistics companies possible. Shipstation will integrate with your existing shipping accounts through FedEx, UPS, DHL, and more. This integration provides us the best opportunity to meet our clients shipping needs


Because of the high level of shipping support needed, each client that signs up with Shipstation is provided their own account manager. All support questions should be directed to the account manager to provide accurate and timely responses. RentalTrax employees are not Shipstation experts and therefore all questions should be directed to the account manager provided by Shipstation on sign up

Signing up for Shipstation

Go to and click on the “Try it Free” button at the top of the page. Free trials are highly recommended so that you can test the system first to ensure that you want to move forward with a paid system. is a subscription based system which does not charge RentalTrax for the integration; therefore, we are offering the integration with Shipstation at no charge to you with the understanding that you are already adding more bills to your business.


Once you have signed up for a account, you will need to connect to RentalTrax in order to proceed. The following steps will allow you to connect to and start shipping.

1) Log in to your Ship Station Account


You should have been provided log in credentials when you signed up to Shipstation. If you have not received your log in credentials, contact Shipstation as you may have provided an invalid email address.


2) Connect to Your Custom Store


Click on the Settings Icon in the top right hand corner of your dashboard

Click on Selling Channels on the left hand navigation bar

Click “Connect a Store or Marketplace”

Click on Custom Store so that you can create a custom integration with RentalTrax

Here you will enter your settings into the custom store. This will create the connection with RentalTrax.

Username: Enter the username that you use to log into your RentalTrax account

Password: Enter the password that you use to access your RentalTrax account

URL to Custom XML Page: This will be your RentalTrax URL with the Shipstation connection. You will enter whatever your custom RentalTrax URL is and then /shipstation.php

For example:



Click on Test Connection after entering this information to ensure that you can connect to RentalTrax correctly.


Click on Finish button in the bottom right once you have verified that the connection is ok by use of the test connection button.

Note: Please leave the statuses at the bottom alone as they are pre-set to work with your system. Changes to these will result in an error to your system.

Congratulations, you are now connected to Ship Station! 

3) Using your Integration

Inside your orders there is a new Ship Station tab that is your main control point for all of your Shipping integration needs.

  • Shipstation Button: Click this button to launch to the Shipstation website. You will login to your Shipstation account through this button
  • Active: Toggle between Yes and No to send this order into Shipstation. You will still need to go into your Shipstation account and click on the Refresh Orders button to ensure that all of your orders are transferred over.
  • Freight Price: Enter the value that you are charging the client for shipping. For instance, you can get a quote from UPS that says the shipment is $5, but you charge your client $9.99 for shipping. Enter 9.99 into this field
  • Delivery Method: Enter the method of shipping that you intend for this shipment. Some examples are Ground Ship, Expedited, Air Freight, etc.
  • Delivery Status: Choose the status of this order when sent into Shipstation. If this is just a quote that you are working on and want to prepare for shipping, make sure you do not select “ready to ship” as that will tell Shipstation that the order is processed and ready to go to the client. Select from a variety of options using the drop down menu.
  • Tracking Number: This field will auto-populate once you have processed the shipment and Shipstation provides you with a tracking number
  • Supplier: This field will auto-populate once you have selected a shipping supplier within Shipstation. This will help your clients track their shipments.

Once the orders are transferred into ShipStation, you can click on the Orders Tab at the top of Shipstation. Use the navigation bar on the left side to search through your shipments. The Order # corresponds with the order # provided in RentalTrax. If you see the Triangle symbol shown above, it denotes that there is an error in the customers address. You will need to change the information inside RentalTrax to continue with shipping.

When you are inside RentalTrax, you can go to Customers > List Customers to see a list of all of the clients inside your system.

The image above denotes all of the fields that MUST be filled out in order to process an order through Shipstation. These mandatory fields are different than the fields that RentalTrax makes mandatory. These fields are used to verify the address of the client you are shipping to.

Note: The State field must be filled out as a 2 letter abbreviation (i.e. Florida = FL) If you use any other text in this field, you will be notified of the error.

For best accuracy, duplicate all address information to the delivery fields on the right side of the customer information screen.

Each product that you wish to ship MUST have a weight associated with it. You cannot ship a product that does not have a weight, as this figure is used to determine the cost of shipping to your freight.

Note: This is an input field only, and the “kg” noted beside the field means nothing. This field when entering the value should contain the weight of the product in LBS. This is how Shipstation will integrate.

Shipstation Features

Here you will learn about how to take an order that has been transferred into Shipstation and proceed with the steps necessary for shipping your products.

  • Verify the Address

Global Symbol

Based on your standard location, when you use a shipping address that is in another country, the global symbol is shown. 


This symbol is shown when the address that was uploaded contains missing or incorrect information. Double check your information.


The black house symbol is shown when the address is verified and the shipping can go forward as scheduled.

  • Click on the blue Order # to view the order details and get shipping rates

You can view your order summary, products, get quotes and more from this screen.

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