The Week Overview report can provide you with a weekly action report of the orders that are in your system starting on the date that you access the report. You can search for specific products as well as use the action icons associated with the orders through this report. To view the Week Overview report, go to: Reports > Week Overview. You can also access this report through the dashboard homepage.
1) Week Overview Title
2) Search Field – If you wish to only view orders in the week that are associated with a specific product or a group of products, you can narrow your search using this search field. The products that you select will be displayed beside the search field. They can be removed from the selection criteria by using the red X.
3) Previous and Next Buttons – Scroll through your weeks by using the previous and next buttons to plan ahead or review previous orders booked into your RentalTrax system.
4) Order Display – All functions will be available to you within the report. The order will be displayed on the date it takes place and will provide you with all action icons and edit links needed to effect change on the order.