Assigning your users with a commission percentage is simple and done under the User Creation screen (Settings > Users). To determine the commission pay that they are to receive, you can use the Commission Report (Reports > Commission) and find out detailed information regarding their pay. You will have the option to view just the totals or the entire order information.
View the How-To Video HERE: Commission Report
1) Commission Report Title
2) Date Range – Select the date range that you wish to view. This will show you the total commissions that the user is owed within that date range. The commission is calculated based on the percentage you entered for the user under User Creation.
3) User Selection – Select the user you wish to view a commission report on from the list provided. If you decide to view multiple users at once, they will be separated in the display area below.
4) Status Selection – Select the status of the order that you wish to see the commission report on. For example; you may not wish to pay commission on quoted orders, price calculations, etc. If you are paying commission only on booked or completed events, then you can select that order status from the list.
5) Only Totals – Toggle between “Yes” and “No” to determine whether you wish to display only the totals or you want the entire order information.
6) Display Button – Clicking this button will activate the commission report based on your previous selections.
1) Date Range Display
2) User Display – This area will show you the user that has been selected for the commission report. If you have selected to display multiple users, they will be separated by this style of bar including the new users information.
3) Order Display – Each row will contain important information regarding the order created by the user. The information will include action icons, type, department, customer information, start and end date, payment method, status, total, commission percentage and commission total. If you have chosen to display totals only, this information will be removed and the total commission owed will only be displayed.
4) Percentage Column – The assigned commission percentage will be displayed in this column to use as a calculation for commission pay (Total X Percentage = Commission).
5) Commission Per Order – The total commission owed for that order line will be displayed based on the commission calculation.
6) Total Sales Column – The total sales volume of the orders (based on status and date range) will be displayed here.
7) Total Commission Owed – The sum of the commission owed (based on status and date range) will be totaled here. If you choose to display totals only, this information will be all that is displayed.